Saturday, December 09, 2006

StartupStories - Real Stories. Real Inspiration.

I have been writing my own startup experience here. I am amazed by the number of brilliant smart entrepreneurs who contact me and wish there were more honest information out there for people starting up.

The biggest challenge new entrepreneurs face is to insert themselves into the startup ecosystem. If is no different from moving to a new school, job, church or city, you have to be in it to become part of it.

I've talking to some of you about how to expand this to bring in real experience of more entreprenuers beyond me.

I've partnered with a friend and begun writing real, inspiring stories of entrepreneurs at Our real success would be when people get inspired and become entrepreneurs. We decided to keep it a clean layout and not even ask users to post it on reddit or digg. We want real market feedback.

I've been an Internet geek and entrepreneur since the early boom of the web. I've worked in Marketing in large companies and have used the latest tools and techniques for reaching customers and users.

Still, it never ever ceases to amaze me when I sense a new user's excitement on the net, accepting value that I've worked to build for them!

On thursday, a user posted our first story from to's consumers know their power and quickly users voted up our article to 238 points and we were on the front page and got tons of users, comments and lots of subscriptions with the hope that we'll offer more such stories.

We've built a pipeline of more stories and I am having fun meeting interesting people. We are focusing on real stories of people on how they got started from an idea and their values in growing their startups, finding business models and their exits and on the early funding cycle.

Is there any person's story or specific startup topic you'd like to see from someone's experience? You know, I'd be sure to get it for you.

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