Monday, October 08, 2007

Social Graphing Pattern - the Facebook conference

I am at Dave McClure's Social Graphing Pattern Conference, helping Chris Heuer with the organization of the OpenFace Day today.

Lot of entrepreneurial energy, I love it.

Keynote by Reid Hoffman: (updated with Reid's presentation here)

Reid spoke about Facebook as a Platform. He covered the general trend in a nice summary:
- Facebook stays fresh because of new Apps coming up with its open platform
- Facebook has done well with taking Flickr one-step further with Photo by adding friends tagging, he says FB app developers need to take that genius to other apps to build on sharing.
-Some Apps are extending into the web, eg Y! Music used Rockyou widgets to launch its music on fb and the aquisition of "Where I've Been" by Tripadvisor.

Audience had questions about Linkedin building Facebook Apps and he said they have one App as a test case without much traction and will launch more if it helps their customers and users.
On a question about whether Facebook will see some commerce activity, he qualified that he doesn't like to make predictions but thought that social networks will support Commerce couple years down the line and he doesn't see facebook evolving to that now.

Marketing - Charlene Li (updated with her real presentation here)

Charlene Li of Forrestor spoke eloquently about marketing facebook apps and had great stats.

Rock You CEO Lance Toduka (real presentation here)

- Third party Distribution enables success eg. Showcased how Rockyou helped Y! Music pickup traction, Launched a new CBS Widget last thurs.
- Facebook is the best distribution platform, 7x better than MySpace
- Distribution is till hard - only 1% succeed

On questions on managing load at 1M users, he thought Amazon AWS was good though RockYou doesn't use it, they use MySQL and facebook takes lot of the load based on the app design.
Question on building viral play he said:
a. Build Invite as part of App
b. Call for action for receiver of invitation too
c. Use news feeds effectively
d. Use colorful buttons like Continue - -> worked to increase viral play for them.


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