Watch all my IoT Shows HERE http://iotdisruptions.com (Top right link to IoT Show archives

I have an IoT Show for - France, Germany, Serbia, India, East Africa, Boston, Oulu Finland, Columbia, Taiwan, Czech Republic, Portugal, Turkey. A couple more videos are still being processed.
I am amazed by the diversity of IoT area focus but the common faith in IoT, innovating startups and trust in each local country.Rob van Kranenburg, EU IoT Council Founder, put IoT Day 2016 in perspective sharing his experience skyping in an intro to the Isfahan ioT Conference. You can see his video at the top of the IoT Show page.
"We all begin to see that #iot is horizontal and generic and its value should be harvested locally even hyperlocally in better cooperation between humans, animalsn machines and the enviroment - Rob van Kranenburg"Today I skyped into IoT Day Healthackathon in Czech to present Digital Health Disruptions and IoT Day Swedan to present Future of IoT and have more video showing amazing entrepreneurial innovations to process and upload.
Global Observations:
Fascinating to see the same IoT tech implemented in diff parts of the world differently.
Germany has John Deer autonomous tractors doing precision farming, while Columbia has smart farming for coffee farms and Serbia has similar Smart farming for beets.Each is a labor of love of startups, real customer adoption and solving for reach problems. Each environment is different with varying levels of support to startups.
There's more autonomous vehicles already in use in industries.
Watch Taiwan IoT Show as it compares how China is adopting IoT so different privacy cultural attitudes that won't work in Europe or US.
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April 9 2016 IoT Day Global Coverage
Sudha Jamthe is the Stanford instructor of the first IoT Business course and the author of three IoT books in the 'IoT Disruptions' series. She researches IoT space with her weekly "The IoT Show" and develops IoT case studies which she shares on her mailing list here. Tweet her at @sujamthe
Sudha loves shaping new technology ecosystems, helping businesses drive Digital Business Transformations and has a deep passion for mentoring and developing leaders. Her aspiration is a limitless world.
Opinions are mine, unless you want to own them.
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