Monday, July 14, 2008

Social Conversations takes grassroots shape at SocialMediaCamp SF today

I am a believer of grassroots events which propel brands and cut through crap to help us learn what is really happening in any realm of tech space. This is an evolving movement affecting marketing and user generation for brands, similar to how open source impacted software industry.

I am old enough to have started in online marketing with the linkexchange in 95 to portal co-branded deals as traffic drivers to SEO and SEM thru the 2000s and now onto Social Conversations.

So I am here, blogging live from SocialMediaCampSF, I just was lucky to be able to join this amazing energy of grassroots entrepreneurial social media architects.

This is a BarCamp style event where the topic was created on the fly this morning by all attendees.
Chris Heur who founded Social Media Club has spearheaded it and am pleased to report its very well organized, theres lot of good presentations and wonderful hallway conversations.

What I mean by Social Conversation

Microblogs like twitter, friendfeed which makes social browsing bringing all our online activities together for a community of people to follow others and engage in a conversation by comments and a simple google style UI to add a "like" to link an item to our feed.

Ok, I am a huge friendfeed fan, but what I love is they have so many widgets and APIs to seamlessly adapt friendfeed into your online life, its such a natural way to have a social conversation, without stopping to think about it.

Summize was just bought by twitter.

Disqus allows integrating of your comments across the web, similar to mybloglog but for dicsussions.

Some presentations I am seeing and liking here today below includes another social conversation or social browsing tool.

1pm: I saw a demo of Yoona by their evangelist Kevin.

Yoona is a sponsor of this socialmediacamp and they showed a demo. Compared to friendfeed to show socialbrowsing with a Firefox plugin. I'll try it out and update my comments here. Its a young, promising looking startup.

1.30: David Cohn is presenting crowd funding for journalism.

It is kiva style community funded citizen journalism. This looks very very promising. Dave is so sincere in his presentation.
Summary - users fund $10 or so to consolidate funds to pay a journalist to get a story, all driven by local community. He has started with a grant from Knight Foundation and he is testing it in Bay Area first. He has checks and balance in place to provide validated real content and took good Q&A.

update: 3pm: Qik Live streaming by Qik's Rishi and Daniel

This is a product demo of QIk live video , nice. Daniel did a live Qik of the room and it was funny we could see our audience live as he moved his hands to talk at Good quality video.


Shammara said...

Hey Sudha, I was here but didn't see you there. I didn't stay for the whole time though. I thought the event was pretty good, a lot of people..

Sudha (Su) Jamthe said...

Sorry I missed you. I didn't get to chat w you even at the last fb meetup. yeah, it was good quality crowd, lot of people.

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