The Panelists are:
* MODERATOR: Sudha Jamthe; Social Platform Strategy Consultant; AOL/Bebo.
* Siqi Chen; Co-Founder & CEO, Serious Business
* Eric Yieh; Director of Product Development, RockYou
* Anil Dharni; Director of Products, Hi5
* Stephen Hood; Director of Product, Delicious
Critical mass of users is the moment when a social site naturally becomes viral, when it works well on its own, when it is considered a "success".
Ping me with questions, on twitter @sujamthe or on facebook. What do you want to see in this panel?
- Is critical mass a state a site should achieve or is it a repeat event for different stages of the product lifecycle?
- Is this critical mass dependent on your product life cycle or is it dependent on your competition's growth cycle.
- How do you get users to share and help you be viral, especially when you are still small.
-Is there a magical number for the critical mass of users for different types of sites.
- Are there specific ways that product engages users and what that has meant for growth.
- I would like to hear specific examples of success and failed attempted in building critical mass for different sites.
-Is it a different path for a social network like Hi5 vs. a product like delicious
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